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Beechmore Guides: Art Exhibitions Not To Miss In London: Summer 2021.
  For me, from inspiration, comes inspiration. And whilst museums and galleries around the globe have done an amazing job of digitising exhibitions, there’s still nothing quite like being immersed in a world of art and design to help you...
Beechmore Guides: 10 London Coffee Shops To Write In This Weekend
Category: Culture Beechmore Guides: 10 London Coffee Shops To Write In This Weekend Beechmore Editor If you’re like me, you seem to spend your lifetime looking for places that inspire you to wile away a few hours, sitting comfortably with...
3 Ways to Broaden Your Imagination
Dreaming is Good For You It’s not just writers, artists, and musicians who benefit from expanding their imaginations. Imagination is for everyone, and science agrees with us. When you use your imagination, your neural activity increases. Your mind is essentially...
Staying Creative as Lockdown Begins to Ease
If you feel like your creativity has taken a nosedive this year, you aren’t alone. We unpack five ways you can stay creative even as lockdown begins to ease. 
What is the Fascination with Shadows?
Is it that they tell part of a story without giving away the whole picture? Or that they are mysterious, not quite representing things as we see them? Or is it simply that as a creative and a photographer I...
The Gift of Encouraging Creativity
For my thirteenth birthday, a grandmother figure gave me a five-year journal. I’ve received some pretty generous and wacky gifts over the years, but I think that one sticks out as my absolute favourite. I kept that journal every day...
I See Life in Colour: why does my journal have to be in black and white?
I once found a letter that was written by an aunt during the 1940’s. It was typed beautifully and explained to the recipient that the blitz in London wasn’t affecting their spirits or their work. Through that small window of...
A Journal Entry a Day Keeps the Madness at Bay
For a variety of reasons, I spent the best part of a decade bottling things up. I’m sure being British had something to do with it. We’re a country of people expert at making polite conversation while resolutely not talking...
The Joy of Privacy
When I was little, one of my parents’ friends climbed Everest. I remember sitting with a small crowd in somebody’s dark living room, watching a slide-show of his photos. There were clunky transitions, problems with focus, lengthy stories that accompanied...
Getting through Writer’s Block
A blank page. A nice pen. A rare hour of quiet to yourself. A steaming cup of tea next to you. And… nothing. Nope. Not one thing. Oh, hang on… You scrawl down half a sentence. Then cross it out....
When to Share Your Work… and When Not To
Like any writer worth their salt, I have a slew of rejections languishing in my inbox. If you’re planning to make a career in the arts, unless you tumble out of the womb and bump into New York’s most powerful...
The Argument for Writing by Hand
We all have our quirks and foibles when it comes to creating a conducive work environment. As a book editor, I’ve seen it all: writers who require a rare brand of mint tea in one particular mug; who can only write with...